Tuesday, April 5
Start at 9:00
Opening of the workshop
Welcome in introduction
Theme A: Dam behaviour prediction
Introduction of the theme by formulators
Presentations by the participants
Synthesis of the theme A
Closing of day 1
Wednesday, April 6
Start at 9:00
Opening of day 2
Theme B: AAR affected dam
Introduction of the theme by formulators
Presentations by the participants
Synthesis of the theme B
Theme C: Behaviour of the embankment dam
Introduction of the theme by formulators
Presentations by the participants
Synthesis of the theme C
Open theme presentations
Summary of the workshop
Closing of the workshop

Instructions for the presenters
Please use the provided template HERE.
Each presentation will be 10 minutes long. The time moderator will strictly follow the time during the workshop.
At the beginning of each section the formulators will in detail present the Themes and study cases, this is why in your presentation only focus on your work and solutions. Please omit general information about the theme to avoid repetition during the workshop.
Presentations will be presented in groups 3 presentations together and then 10 minutes of discussion will follow. During these 10 minutes all 3 themes will be discussed.
After all the groups will present their solution the formulators will have an extensive presentation with the summary of all the received results. And this summary presentation will be followed by the final discussion and closing of the theme.
Discussion are a very important part of the BW, therefore, you are invited to actively participate in the discussions and also after the closing of the workshop you may share your thought and comments also in writing. The organizer will collect all the remarks and include them in the summary report of the workshop, which will be shared with the technical committee A on computational aspect of dams.
Only for the presenters in open theme:
Please use the provided template.
Each presentation will be 10 minutes long. The time moderator will strictly follow the time during the workshop.
After the presentation there will be 3 minutes time for the discussion.